Selected Projects

Selected Projects

Lenders' Technical Adviser

Liam has acted on behalf of the lenders on a wide range of satellite projects. The selection below shows the variety systems. In each of these cases Liam was lead consultant. In this role he worked directly with lenders, other advisers and the company. The work encompassed due diligence, construction and operations monitoring. The lender groups for these projects, encompassed a wide range of global financial institutions including Export Credit Agencies (ECAs), Commercial and Development banks.

Project Description
YahSat UAE Civil and Commercial Satellite system
O3b MEO communications satellite constellation
Skynet 5 UK Government satellite system
RapidEye LEO Earth imaging constellation
Intelsat New Dawn Geostationary communications satellite
Hispasat Amazonas 5 Geostationary communications satellite

Space Insurance

Liam was responsible for all OneWeb’s insurance activities. As the first large LEO constellation to be developed, it presented many unique insurance challenges. The scale of the system meant that standard approaches would not work, and new strategies had to be developed.

This included:
  • The largest launch insurance policy to date.
  • Satellite pre-launch and transit policy.
  • Launch and In orbit third party liability (TPL) policy compliant with UKSA licence requirements.
  • Global property insurance for all OneWeb property
  • Transport policy covering all equipment shipments
  • All statutory company insurance policies
  • Working with Lenders' Insurance Adviser to complete due diligence
One of the critical activities was liaising with the United Kingdom Space Agency (UKSA) to demonstrate that in orbit liability could be managed effectively, in compliance with OneWeb’s launch licence. This required extensive work with the UKSA and the insurance community.

Technical and Strategy

BANT is currently providing system engineering and procurement support to a start-up in the early stages of development. Details of the company remain confidential.
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